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Doggie Dilemmas: Solving Common Behavior Issues with Positive Training Techniques

Doggie Dilemmas: Solving Common Behavior Issues with Positive Training Techniques

Having a dog is a beautiful experience, but it can sometimes come with its fair share of challenges. From excessive barking to separation anxiety, every dog owner may face behaviour issues.

The good news is that these dilemmas can be effectively addressed with positive training techniques.

In this article, we will explore some common dog behaviour problems and provide practical solutions using positive reinforcement methods.

dog jumping up

Jumping Up

To address jumping up, use positive reinforcement techniques to teach dogs an alternative behaviour. Instead of scolding, reward them for keeping all four paws on the ground when greeting guests.

Teach the "Sit" or "Down" command and encourage them to stay in that position during greetings. Consistent rewards and praise will reinforce polite greetings.


dog barking

Excessive Barking

Dogs may bark excessively due to boredom, fear, territorial instincts, or even seeking attention. To address this, focus on teaching them the "Quiet" command using positive reinforcement.

When your dog stops barking on command, reward them with treats, praise, or playtime. Consistency is key in reinforcing the desired behaviour.

Additionally, it's essential to provide mental stimulation and outlets for your dog's energy through interactive toys, puzzle games, and regular exercise. 


dog on a leash

Leash Pulling

Leash pulling can be frustrating for both dogs and their owners, but understanding the motivations behind this behaviour is crucial for finding a solution.

Dogs may pull on the leash due to excitement, a desire to explore, or simply as a result of habit. To address this, focus on rewarding your dog for walking calmly by your side.

Use treats, praise, or playtime as incentives to reinforce the desired behaviour. Additionally, incorporating rewards and redirection techniques can help redirect your dog's attention away from pulling and towards more desirable actions. 


anxious dog

Separation Anxiety

Dogs experiencing separation anxiety may display behaviours such as excessive barking, destructive chewing, or urinating/defecating indoors when left alone.

To help alleviate this anxiety, gradual desensitization and counterconditioning techniques can be employed. This involves gradually exposing the dog to short periods of alone time and pairing it with positive experiences, such as special toys or treats, to create positive associations.

Additionally, creating a positive and safe environment for the dog during alone time can help reduce their anxiety. Providing comforting items like blankets or engaging toys can make them feel more secure. 


dog and a broken electric cord

Destructive Chewing

To address destructive chewing, it's important to understand the underlying reasons behind this behaviour.

Dogs may chew on things due to teething, boredom, anxiety, or a lack of appropriate outlets for their natural chewing instincts. Redirecting and reinforcing appropriate chewing behaviour is essential.

Provide a variety of chew toys specifically designed for dogs and engaging alternatives, such as puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys, to keep them mentally stimulated and satisfy their chewing needs.

By offering suitable options and consistently rewarding your dog for chewing on the designated items, you can help redirect their chewing behaviour and save your belongings from unnecessary damage.


scared dog

Fear and Reactivity

By recognising what causes fear or anxiety in your dog, you can take steps to help them overcome it. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as desensitization and counterconditioning, can be highly effective in reducing fear and building confidence.

Gradually exposing your dog to the triggers in a controlled and positive manner, while rewarding calm and confident responses, can help them develop a more positive association and gradually overcome their fear.

Encouraging confidence and providing consistent rewards for calm behaviour will further reinforce their progress and create a more balanced and confident canine companion.


dog sitting on a pile of cloth

Accessing Forbidden Areas

To prevent dogs from accessing forbidden areas, implementing management strategies is crucial. This may involve using gates, crates, or baby gates to limit their access.

Teaching the "Leave It" command through positive reinforcement is also essential in redirecting their attention from forbidden items. By consistently rewarding them for leaving forbidden items alone, they will learn to associate the command with positive outcomes.

Additionally, rewarding appropriate behaviours and providing alternative activities, such as interactive toys or engaging games, helps keep their minds stimulated and redirects their focus to more desirable behaviours.



Addressing common behaviour problems in dogs requires patience, consistency, and a positive approach. Positive reinforcement methods offer a humane and effective way to shape desired behaviours, build trust, and strengthen your bond with your furry companion.

Remember to focus on rewarding positive behaviours, creating a positive environment, and understanding the underlying causes. With time, dedication, and plenty of praise, you can help your dog overcome these behaviour challenges, leading to a happier and harmonious life together.

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